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 In the media, burn victims are most often male and used as the antagonist, with aggressive mannerisms, intense scarring, and dark color palettes. The characters who are not antagonists are either strong, aggressive anti-heroes or are protagonists with mild deformities. Burns are the fourth most common type of physical trauma worldwide, so the villainization of burn victims brings a negative connotation to a large group of people. This project strives to create a 3D character that positively portrays burn victims, shows male sensitivity, and normalizes excess scarring to help burn victims through their trauma and assimilate an unfamiliar audience. Creating a character who overcomes physical and emotional trials will validate the feelings of burn victims, giving them an outlet to confide in and relate to. For people who are unfamiliar with real-life burn victims this project will challenge previous depictions and give them insight on what these victims experience.


Software: Procreate, ZBrush, Adobe Substance Painter, Blender





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